The Gel Infusion is a revolutionary treatment from Japan that incorporates state of the art technology and the understanding of nature by developing the most exciting treatment available today. The Gel infusion is the very definition of anti-aging that is supported by clinical trials and independent studies that has shown to effectively lift, soothe, hydrate, and completely rejuvenate the skin even after one treatment. Experience this one of a kind treatment that will drastically improve the overall quality of your skin and provide an instant anti-aging solution for the face, eyes and neck.
Now everyone can experience the Gel Infusion!
The Gel Infusion was created to be both gentle and safe for even people with sensitive skin. Men and Women of all ages can experience the Gel Infusion which is ideal for people with aging skin that wishes to immediately reverse the signs of aging and for those with pre aging skin that wishes to prevent any early signs of premature aging.
This chart above illustrates the benefits that individuals can experience whether they are in the pre-aging or aging group.
The Gel Infusion is highly effective as a post laser treatment with its powerful anti-inflammatory properties that has shown to effectively reduce redness and swelling. For individuals with acne caused by bacteria, the Gel Infusion is very effective due to the increased levels of oxygen that is proven to kill harmful bacteria that causes acne in skin.
Whether someone wants to transform their skin to be beautiful and youthful again or to look fantastic for a special event, the Gel Infusion is the perfect solution for any occasion.
The Gel Infusion delivers on its amazing results mainly due to its active component, carbon dioxide. First, it is important to understand that carbon dioxide is vital for the life in animals and plants on our planet. There is the simple duality in the nature of carbon dioxide and oxygen. We humans breathe in oxygen to live and exhale carbon dioxide. In return, all living plants need carbon dioxide for their survival and as result produce oxygen for us humans to breathe.
The carbon dioxide introduced in the treatment, will trigger our own body to send oxygen through our red blood cells to the area where carbon dioxide is present. With the introduction of increased oxygen levels, various benefits will occur from reduction in swelling, stimulating the growth of new blood vessels, and the control of infection. Here are the 3 main functions on how the Gel Infusion delivers on its amazing results:
1. VASODILATION - The addition of carbon-dioxide being delivered into your blood stream will promote the occurrence of vasodilation. Vasodilation is simply the widening of the blood vessels. With the improvement of blood flow, this will increase metabolism efficiency of your skin cells and improve the discharge of waste from your skin. As a result, the skin becomes healthier, vibrant and beautiful.
2. BLOOD CIRCULATION - When carbon-dioxide gets absorbed into your blood stream, it will produce dioxide which improves your blood circulation. It is a known fact that blood circulation is an important aspect of your body’s overall function and health. As a result, with the improvement of blood circulation your skin will benefit greatly.
3. ANTI-INFLAMMATION - With the active discharge of waste from your skin, it will reduce inflammation which is a usual cause of such skin problems including acne, dryness, and the lack of water-retention. Increasing oxygen delivery to the skin, the treated area will effectively fight off several forms of bacteria that attacks your skin on a daily basis. As a result, inflammation suppression will help the skin’s self-healing.
This chart above illustrates the comparison of using the Gel Infusion versus other conventional methods provided at clinics and medispas.
The ingenious idea of using carbon dioxide to promote the transfer of oxygen within the human body to treat an area where carbon dioxide is present was made famous by the Danish physiologist Christian Bohr. This physiological phenomenon first reported in 1904 became known today as the “Bohr Effect.” The Bohr effect is a normal process in people of normal health. It is the duality of how carbon dioxide and oxygen work harmoniously with one another. With the Bohr effect, it is understood that carbon dioxide is the key factor which triggers our own body for the transport and release of oxygen through our red blood cells. As a result, when carbon dioxide is present at the location being treated, our own body will send oxygen through the process of vasodilation to that location of treatment.
The physiological effects of carbon dioxide was made popular initially in Europe where carbon dioxide spring was used for medical treatment. The purpose of using this treatment as an injection was specifically designed to create a natural vasodilator. This will cause the blood vessels to widen for the improvement of blood flow and as a result increase the transport of oxygen for to various tissues for cellular regeneration as well as act as an anti-inflammatory.
With the years of successful studies and results in Europe, Japan has taken the treatment’s principle a step further in enabling the same powerful results, but without the use of injections. After many years of trials with different formulations, they have effectively created a solution to provide the same powerful results without the use of needles.
This non-injectable treatment was originally created in Japan for the use at hospitals to treat burn victims and for wound healing due to its physiological effects. For each successful outcome reported, several patients with burns or wounds to the face began to notice additional beneficial effects from this treatment. The results were astonishing. Not only did the patient’s primary wounds and burns heal, the patients visually experienced improvements to the texture of their skin. In addition, patients experienced reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, reduction in the size of their pores, as well as a more firmer and lifted appearance to their face. These results contributed greatly to the birth of a powerful aesthetic/anti-aging treatment.
(A Non-Injection Carboxy Treatment)
The Bohr effect is a physiological phenomenon first described in 1904 by the Danish physiologist Christian Bohr (father of physicist Niels Bohr and so grandfather of physicist Aage Bohr), stating that hemoglobin's oxygen binding affinity is inversely related both to acidity and to the concentration of carbon dioxide.[1] That is to say, a decrease in blood pH or an increase in blood CO2 concentration will result in hemoglobin proteins releasing their loads of oxygen and a decrease in carbon dioxide or increase in pH will result in hemoglobin picking up more oxygen. Since carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid, an increase in CO2 results in a decrease in blood pH.
The Bohr effect explains cells oxygen release or why red blood cells unload oxygen in tissues, while carbon dioxide (CO2) is the key player in O2 transport due to vasodilation and the Bohr effect (or Bohr law).
The Bohr effect is a normal process in healthy people since healthy people have normal breathing at rest and normal arterial CO2 levels. How does the Bohr effect work? As we know, oxygen is transported in blood by hemoglobin cells. How do these red blood cells know where to release more oxygen and where less? Or why do they unload more oxygen at all? Why is O2 released in tissues? The hemoglobin cells sense higher concentrations of CO2 in tissues and release oxygen in such places.
(1) Bohr; Hasselbalch, Krogh. Concerning a Biologically Important Relationship - The Influence of the Carbon Dioxide Content of Blood on its Oxygen Binding
In deoxyhemoglobin, the N-terminal amino groups of the α-subunits and the C-terminal histidine of the β-subunits participate in ion pairs. The formation of ion pairs causes them to decrease in acidity. Thus, deoxyhemoglobin binds one proton (H+) for every two O2 released. In oxyhemoglobin, these ion pairings are absent and these groups increase in acidity. Consequentially, a proton is released for every two O2 bound. Specifically, this reciprocal coupling of protons and oxygen is the Bohr effect.[2]
Additionally, carbon dioxide reacts with the N-terminal amino groups of α-subunits to form carbamates:[3]
R−NH2 + CO2 R−NH−COO- + H+
Deoxyhemoglobin binds to CO2 more readily to form a carbamate than oxyhemoglobin. When CO2 concentration is high (as in the capillaries), the protons released by carbamate formation further promotes oxygen release. Although the difference in CO2 binding between the oxy and deoxy states of hemoglobin accounts for only 5% of the total blood CO2, it is responsible for half of the CO2 transported by blood. This is because 10% of the total blood CO2 is lost through the lungs in each circulatory cycle.[4]
This effect facilitates oxygen transport as hemoglobin binds to oxygen in the lungs, but then releases it in the tissues, particularly those tissues in most need of oxygen. When a tissue's metabolic rate increases, its carbon dioxide production increases. Carbon dioxide forms bicarbonate through the following reaction:
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3−
Although the reaction usually proceeds very slowly, the enzyme family of carbonic anhydrase, which is present in red blood cells, accelerates the formation of bicarbonate and protons. This causes the pH of tissues to decrease, and so, promotes the dissociation of oxygen from hemoglobin to the tissue, allowing the tissue to obtain enough oxygen to meet its demands. Conversely, in the lungs, where oxygen concentration is high, binding of oxygen causes hemoglobin to release protons, which combine with bicarbonate to drive off carbon dioxide in exhalation. Since these two reactions are closely matched, there is little change in blood pH.
The dissociation curve shifts to the right when carbon dioxide or hydrogen ion concentration is increased. This facilitates increased oxygen dumping. This mechanism allows for the body to adapt the problem of supplying more oxygen to tissues that need it the most. When muscles are undergoing strenuous activity, they generate CO2 and lactic acid as products of cellular respiration and lactic acid fermentation. In fact, muscles generate lactic acid so quickly that pH of the blood passing through the muscles will drop to around 7.2. As lactic acid releases its protons, pH decreases, which causes hemoglobin to release ~10% more oxygen.[4]
(2) ^ Murray, Robert K.; Darryl K. Granner, Peter A. Mayes, Victor W. Rodwell (2003). Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry (LANGE Basic Science) (26th ed.). McGraw-Hill Medical. pp. 44–45.
(3) ^ Lehninger, Albert L.; Nelson, David L.; Cox, Michael M. (2008). Principles of Biochemistry (5th ed.). New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company. p. 166.
(4) ^ a b Voet, Donald; Judith G. Voet, Charlotte W. Pratt (2008). Fundamentals of Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons. pp. 189–190.
The Independent studies have been collected and gathered from a group of aesthetic and anti-aging doctors from USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia from 2012-2014. These studies have been conducted for the sole purpose of measuring the significant results in the following categories:
- Reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
- Improvement in firmness, tightness, lifting, and elasticity of the skin - Improvements in the smoothness and texture of the skin
- Improvements in the hydration of the skin
- Improvements in reducing the redness and inflammation of the skin - Improvements in reducing acne and post acne scars
- Improvements in the Radiance and glow of the skin
a) Before & after images (due to confidentiality, not all pictures are provided
b) visual inspection of the skin performed by trained doctors
c) case study feedback
A collective group of 42 individuals participated in the trial from various aesthetic and anti-aging clinics. 37 individuals are women between the ages of 30 to 70 and the other 5 individuals are men between the ages of 40 to 65.
Each individual received the treatment while laying down flat with a pillow or rolled towel under their neck (to improve blood flow). The treatment was mixed for one minute then applied and left on the face and neck for 1 hour. Each individual had their eyes closed and did not speak or move their face during the course of the treatment. Each individual had their picture taken before the treatment then again after the treatment. Photos are taken in the same controlled environment and at the same angle to provide consistent images. In addition, the doctors observed each individual’s skin and recorded the results. Lastly, the individuals themselves were able to observe their own skin to provide their feedback.
Part 1.
A) Hydration of the Skin:
- 100% of the individuals experienced improvement in the hydration of their skin.
B) Smoothness and Texture of the Skin
- 95% of the individuals experienced improvement in the smoothness and softer texture of their skin.
C) Reducing Redness and Inflammation (swelling) of the Skin
- 100% of the individuals shown at least 50% improvement in the reduction of the swelling and redness in their skin.
Note: In this study only 5 individuals had redness and inflammation of the skin. (This was a results of 1. acne 2. after laser treatment 3. Injections of Hyaluronic acid). Therefore this study only reflects 5 individuals to provide the proper results.
D) Reducing Acne and Post acne scars
Acne: - 100% of individuals shown improvement in reduction of redness and swelling in their acne. Note: In this study only 3 individuals had acne. (Each individual with acne, had acne not related to hormonal causes).
Post-Acne scars: - 100% of the individual shown 50% improvement in the reduction of acne scarring. Note: Only 1 individual participated in a long term trial where the results were improved only after 5 treatments on a weekly basis.
E) Improvements in Firmness, Tightness, Lifted and Elasticity of the skin
- 85% of individuals experienced a more firm, tighter, and lifted appearance in their brow and eye area and cheeks.
F) Improvement in the Radiance and glow of the skin
- 100% of individuals experienced improvements in radiance and glow of the skin.
G) Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- 85% of individuals experienced reduction in the appearance of fine lines an wrinkles of the skin.